The Promise Land - by Todd Haulenbeek

Sitting in the camper up north with the crew

Glad I drove up from Kalamazoo

Thinking of the day and the perfect weather 

Leelanau peninsula shoreline going on forever


Dunes and water and pines and fern

Blue sky and islands and history to learn

Big and Little Glen lakes, clear and clean

With boats anchored out on the shallows pristine


To hike or to bike, that is the question

Adventure in practically every direction 

Natures riches and the finest of views

In choosing a location, we just couldn't lose


A hike in the dunes to see the sights

Four friends, two dogs and seven kids who brought kites.

Hot sun, hot sand and hot feet went for miles

But the views made the adventure all full of smiles


Swim, fish, or just shoot the tube

Shoot the tube?  The Crystal River tube!

In the canoe like a water slide

The long dark tunnel is a wild ride!


To finish it off we head to the north

With M22 winding back and forth

To Leland, Fish town! to sample the fare

Carlson's Fishery, there's none that compare!


One last adventure before back to base

We must find petoskey stones and I know the place! 

All are successful who would take the time.

Mission accomplished, our trip was sublime!

