What Are the Chances? - January Haulenbeek

I don’t believe in luck. Good or Bad…never have. I am however, beginning to see how there really is something to being in the right place at the right time. Lately I am seeing this over and over in my life. Maybe it is because I am looking for it. Maybe it is because I am taking time to really listen to other people tell their stories about it. 
We had a great day. We spent the morning hiking trails near our rustic campground just south of Traverse City. We spent the afternoon wine tasting on Mission Peninsula. We traveled in two vehicles on the way home. My husband Todd and I and our friend Phil in one car. Phil’s wife Rose and Britt and Todd in the other. Tired from the full day we all decided to head back to camp. We decided that we would forgo stopping for one last hike and just head back to make dinner. Not far from the campground Phil spotted a few dead elm trees and an old apple tree by the side of the road. “Oh man”, He sighed. “That is perfect Morel mushroom hunting conditions. Should we stop? We’ve just got to!” Todd pulled off the road and did a 180. Rose pulled off onto the shoulder on the other side.”What are you doing? I thought we were heading back?” “We are just going to stop for a minute to look for mushrooms here,” Todd and Phil said together.” “Fine,” said Rose, “We are heading back to camp”. Clearly irritated by the sudden change in plans, and all for mushrooms…..again. You see, we call our friend Phil the Morel ninja. So far this spring he has found over 300 and counting. Phil doesn't just like hunting Morels. The ability to find them wherever he is seems to be woven into his DNA code. He knows where to look and how to see them. It is a weird 6th sense. It literally pains him not to stop when he senses the perfect conditions. Rose drives off toward camp and Todd and Phil get out to take a look. I lay my head on the seat back and close my eyes. It is hard to keep my eyes open with the sun on my face and Michigan wine in my belly. Todd comes racing back to the car and pulls open my door. “Where is my knife? We have to cut a bird loose!” What? Where? How? I am not able to ask any of these questions before Todd races off again. For the next 5 minutes I watch Phil and Todd gently free a little black bird from a deadly mess. It somehow got one foot tangled in twine and then became completely tangled in a bush. Had it not been for Phil and his addict like need to find morel mushrooms this little bird would have been a goner. The guys came back to the car after the bird flew away. They only looked for mushrooms for a minute and came back empty handed. This got me thinking. I am beginning to see, more and more, how when we respond to those things within us that make us who we truly are we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. We find ourselves right were we are supposed to be, playing our part in the bigger play of life. We all have a leading roll to play in our own lives that when we embrace it authentically we can’t help but positively impacting the people (and animals) around us. I am not talking about Hedonism and the pursuit of happiness for the sake of happiness. I am talking about taking the time to recognize the truths and desires in us that make us unique. You know, paying attention to the things that catch our eye.