The Ride of my Life - by Kayla Atsaphanthong

It was a warm August day at Michigan adventure when my dad, brother, and cousin wanted to go down the Funnel of Fear. So I tagged along hoping I wouldn’t die. My cousin AJ looked really excited, while I on the other hand looked pale as milk. As we got our tubes I looked up, “Wow” I said.

“Yep,” AJ said, creeping up on me. “All 6 maybe 7 stories high, but don’t worry you’re not going to fall”. That last sentence he just said creeped me out. “Don’t worry you’re not going to fall.” Have people fallen off before and would I be the next one? So yeah, I had a lot of things on my mind. When we were on the stairs, we stood there waiting and waiting and waiting. I looked over at AJ, covered in sweat and looking a bit fried. We were like burn’t bacon on a sizzling pan.

After 50 minutes we reached the top! “Next” the life guard said. My dad and brother were already in their tube. Then she pushed them. All of a sudden we heard a high pitched scream. “Who’s that?” AJ said.

“You mean that girly scream? That was my brother,” I replied.

“Next,” the life guard shouted. I stuck my hot, sweaty foot in the water “Ahh that feels nice” I said. “Kayla quit playing around” AJ said. Oh no, I thought in my head, why do I have to die at the age of 11?! We were sitting in our tube. Then, without a warning, she pushed us into complete darkness.

Light was coming in but a figure was almost blocking it; it’s AJ! AJ was going backwards . “AAAAAHHHHH I don’t know where I’m going!!!” he screamed. Suddenly there was a flash and we were outside, bumping on the sides and laughing. “Wow that was awesome!” I said,  jumping off the tube. “Told you! Let’s go on Shivering Timbers next,” AJ replied.