I have never been more excited for a family getaway. No we were not going anywhere exotic. Rather, it was right in our own backyard so to speak, in our wonderful state of Michigan. We had rented a cottage on Gun Lake for a few nights and planned to play, eat, and relax. So why then was I so excited for what seemed to be a simple vacation? You see, after being so focused on my career for the last 10 years this was my first summer being home full-time. No more scheduling family time around deadlines and meetings. It would also be our last getaway before the school year started. I was going to soak in every minute.
This was our home away from home located a few feet from Gun Lake. My 4 year old Christian asked, “Are there guns in Gun Lake?” - Kids and their questions.
Here’s the kitchen. I kinda wanted to cut this kitchen out and bring it home with me.
What made this trip special were the people that we shared it with.
We had a house full. This included me, my husband, our 4 kids, my nephew, older brother Tom and his Fiance, my parents, my cousin, and my aunt. Did I mention two dogs?
This is my eldest and my nephew. There is nothing like a good game of checkers.
We spent the next few days playing on the beach, boating, and tubing. Tubing was quite an entertaining sight as the kids became instant bobble head figurines.
Most of our time was spent on an activity that my boys consider the best thing in the world- Fishing.
Here’s Kaden and his grandpa, catching some sunfish.
It’s amazing how obsessed they got casting and reeling. All. Day. Long.
Unfortunately, we didn’t catch any turtles.
(I actually was glad we didn’t. I heard those things stink up an aquarium)
We spent countless hours splashing and laughing. I even spent a few brief moments lounging on a tube anchored onto the beach with a cold beverage in hand. Can I get an Amen from you other mothers? It was pure bliss. I swear the sky had never looked so blue and the clouds so cotton-like and white.
See - I have evidence of me lounging.
It’s not the ocean, but then again, there are no sharks.
It was the first time since I was a child that I had seen my dad jump out of our anchored boat so carefree into the lake. I also realized that my youngest daughter preferred holding worms and fish rather than her dolls.
Share life with those you love, jump off docks and boats, soak in the sunshine, laugh often, and bask in His masterpiece.
This, my friends is what life’s all about.