Congratulations!  Your membership card is on the way.  You will receive an email confirming your purchase and another that is your digital version of your card that can be used immediately!

Get rewarded for using your membership.  Here's how:

Take a picture or video at one of our participating businesses, share on social media and earn points toward fabulous rewards!

  1. Snap pic.  (examples are shown in your "welcome aboard" email)
  2. Post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  3. You must do these 3 things for credit:
  • "check in" at the business you are visiting or tag using @ symbol before the business name.
  • Tag @celebrateourstate
  • Make your post setting PUBLIC

Here's what's in it for you:  

Do this 7 times and a License to Celebrate will be gifted to your bestie.
- When you have done this 10 times your best picture will be spotlighted on our website. (unless you are shy)  And You will receive a $10 gift card to your favorite COS participating business. 

Just message us or email when you have 7-10 points!

Members get 10% off everything in the store!  Do you have a t-shirt yet?  Check out the store.

Celebr8 Our State!!